September 7, 2006

Lindsay Lohan rob at Heathrow Airport
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Posted by George on September 7th, 2006
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has reported she has been rob of over $1 million in jewelry that was contain in a Hermes bag at Heathrow Airport in London. Why the hell does she have over $1 million in jewelry that she didn’t bring with her as her carry on?

They continue to say “it is alleged that as the woman exited the Terminal One building, she noticed that an orange Hermès handbag was missing from her suitcase trolley.” The bag, according to police, contained “a quantity of jewelry.”

Lindsay’s rep, Leslie Sloane, confirms to TMZ the theft occurred and that Lindsay is extremely upset about the loss of personal belongings. “She is begging for the return of the items,” Sloane says. “She doesn’t care how she gets them back, she just wants her stuff back.”

The Hermès Birkin bag that was stolen also contained Lindsay’s much needed asthma medication.

Scotland Yard says they are investigating the matter but, as of yet, have no suspects.

What the police didn’t say was that the jewelry was confiscated do to some possible terrorist threat. OK, I just made that up, but I bet some baggage handler with some sticky finger saw Lindsay’s name on the bag and peeked inside and realized it was payday. We await her asthma medication to be listed on an eBay auction, wait criminals isn’t that stupid right?

I must be drunk and words are starting to get blurry. Looks like she was rob while dragging her suitcase cart around the airport and some how she didn’t see the thief make off with her orange Hermes bag. Who knows, maybe she never had the bag with her and will realize this when she gets home.

Update 2:
Police have recover the bag minus the million dollar jewelry. Now expect the police to try to lift some fingerprints they can use from the bag.

Update 3:
Nothing was missing from the bag. Maybe the wasn’t stolen at all, Lohan just somehow miss placed the bag.

Paris Hilton DUI detail
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Posted by George on September 7th, 2006
Paris Hilton Arrested

More detail into Paris Hilton’s drunken driving night. According to MSNBC:

Hilton was arrested by Los Angeles police officers in Hollywood early Thursday on suspicion of driving under the influence. During the arrest she was briefly handcuffed. Hilton was booked at LAPD’s Hollywood station at 1:43 a.m. and released shortly afterward, said Nick Velasquez, a spokesman for the city attorney’s office.

Like cockroaches, this DUI arrest will not kill Paris, but only make her stronger. According to her rep, Elliot Mintz, Paris’ image will not suffer:

The people who enjoy Paris as a comedian or actress on TV or as a singer on her CD , a woman who seems to have captured the imagination of so many people, I don’t know if this is going to have any impact on them one way or another.

Could this DUI arrest just been a stunt to get her right back to the A list status, after being denied entry to Bungalow 8? We all know a misdemeanor DUI doesn’t carry any kind of jail term except some inconvenience, like having to enter a treatment program and having their licence restricted for 90 days. Who needs a license when you have money to hire a chauffeur.


Weekend Movie Release: September 8, 2006
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Posted by George on September 7th, 2006
  • The Covenant (Sony/Screen Gems)
  • Hollywoodland (Focus)
  • The Protector (Weinstein Co.)

September 6, 2006

Paris Hilton gets rejected from Bungalow 8
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Posted by George on September 6th, 2006
Paris Hilton in Tears

Has Paris Hilton celebrity status beginning to unraveled? It appears so, last week Paris was denied entry to Bungalow 8’s VMA after party. After being denied, Paris along with Brandon Davis decided to hit up some other clubs, but again were denied when the police told them the street was being closed off.

An eyewitness told Life and Style Weekly magazine: “She was sobbing and kept saying she was Paris Hilton and she didn’t understand – all she wanted to do was dance!”

Poor Paris, now she knows how Tara Reid felt when she was rejected from Hyde nightclub.

Suri Cruise Vanity Fair cover
Posted by George on September 6th, 2006
Suri Cruise Vanity Fair

We finally get a glimpse of Suri Cruise. According to a source for PopBitch:

Vanity Fair shoot of Suri Cruise says the baby looks enough like Cruise and Holmes for their parentage to be plausible, but that it is a bit of a runt, and required 21 days of photography, plus three days of digital touching-up, before the magazine and celebrity parents had a cover image they liked.

The cover does look like it had undergone some extensive touch-up with photoshop.

This is what Katie Holmes has to say about all those gossip report about her family and Suri:

It’s been heartbreaking. Some of the crap that’s out there—the stuff that’s said about my parents and my siblings [tabloid accounts implied that Katie’s family did not hit it off with Tom]—it’s really frustrating the amount of shit that’s out there. And the stuff they say about Suri?! You shouldn’t say that about us, and you can’t say that about my child.

[Image via Vanity Fair]

September 5, 2006

The Crocodile Hunter may have survived stingray attack
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Posted by George on September 5th, 2006
Steve Irwin
Steve Irwin 1962 – 2006

The Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin may have survived the deadly stingray attack. It is being reported that after getting stab in the chest by the stingray’s barb, Steve pulled the barb out of his chest. Steve’s manager, John Stainton, says the following:

It shows Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest). He pulled it out and the next minute he’s gone. The cameraman had to shut down. It’s a very hard thing to watch because you’re actually witnessing somebody die … it’s terrible.

By pulling the barb out of his chest, Steve may have done more damage to himself than if he just left it in. Dr. Bryan Fry, deputy director of the Australian Venom Research Unit, says:

The strongly serrated barb is capable of tearing and rendering flesh. It’s not the going in that causes the damage, it’s the coming out where those deep serrations kind of pull on the flesh, and you end up with a very jagged tear which is quite a pronounced injury.

You can tell Irwin was dazed and confuse after being barbed by the stingray, that’s the only explanation for Steve reaching for and removing the barb out of his chest.

[Contact Music]

Weekend Box Office: September 1 – September 4
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Posted by George on September 5th, 2006
Top 5 Weekend Grosses September 1 – September 4 (Estimated)
Title (Distributor) Wk Theaters Wknd
1 1 Invincible
Buena Vista
2 2921 $15,206,000 $37,847,000
2 New Crank
Lions Gate
1 2515 $13,000,000 $13,000,000
3 New The Wicker Man
Warner Bros.
1 2784 $11,720,000 $11,720,000
4 3 Little Miss Sunshine
Fox Searchlight
6 1602 $9,725,000 $35,832,975
5 14 The Illusionist
Yari Film Group
3 971 $8,021,000 $12,080,682

September 3, 2006

Paris Hilton blowjob story
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Posted by George on September 3rd, 2006
Paris Hilton Blender cover

It seems like only yesterday when Paris Hilton would refuse a boyfriends request for a blowjob, because her mother told her doing that will result in craters on her face. It was not until first ex-boyfriend, Rick Salomon, convince her at the age of 19 she would not get any kind of deform face from giving him a blowjob. Paris tells Blender magazine:

My mom told me that you get those holes in your face, craters — she knew this person who had craters. I’m like, ‘What is that from?’ She’s like ‘from giving blow jobs.’ I’m like, ‘You get craters?’ And I totally believed her. She’s like, ‘It’s from sucking.’ I’m like, ‘Ewwww!’ I told my boyfriend — he’s like, ‘Why don’t you ever do that?’ I’m like, ‘Because my mom told me you get these craters.’ And he’s like, ‘Paris, you’re 19. You’re allowed to do this.

So a total of three guys got a blowjob from Paris and many more got to have sex with her.


Christina Milian is not broke
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Posted by George on September 3rd, 2006
Christina Milian
Christina Milian not bankrupt

After many sites reporting online about Christina Milian facing financial disaster aster she reported she was selling her clothing on eBay, Christina has now officially deny the whole thing. On her MySpace blog post, Christina says the following:

ok guys i need to respond to this for those of u who have read any of these STUPID writeups from these little tabloid websites. i am NOT BROKE!! i AM negotiating a new record deal with another label. i am NOT BANKRUPT EITHER! i have made pleanty and enough money in all the different areas of my career and the fact that i am not with defjam anymore doesn’t mean i am not making money. i’m prob making more money now! believe me. the fact that i am selling stuff on ebay is strictly for FUN and sumthing i always wanted to get into…that is it! please nobody take this personal but apperently my BLOG is sumthing the journalist have a close eye on for their stories, they need to grow up. And second. i have about a handful of friends, 3 at most…so if any1 ever said they r a personal “Friend” or source in an interview and act like they have confidential info—they literally r not my friend… and i mean LITERALLY- i probably barely know them. I have not been using my own money to promote either. promote what? my movie, uh hello….movie company handles that. I’m not spending money any different than i have and invested my money well enough so i dont have to worry. Not to mention, i keep saying, there is more to come. i’m not lying when i say that. I am happy i’m not announcing every little venture i have coming up in my career cuz all the haters and wack tabloid sites are just gonna throw negative energy on it and im tired of that and dont need that in my life right now. So to the immature writers who get all the fake gossip started, how bout u check with the REAL sources first and stop assuming. I was doing this for fun and donating AS I ALWAYS DO, (u wouldn’t write about that i’m sure)…as a side hobby with my sisters.

So there you go, Christina is not broke and she’s only selling on eBay for fun. Wonder if she’s practicing for when she creates a company that sells celebrities’ item online, oh wait they already have this kind of business.

Carolyn Kepcher hears the words You’re Fired
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Posted by George on September 3rd, 2006
Carolyn Kepcher fired

Carolyn Kepcher one time The Apprentice judge has now officially been on the receiving end of Donald Trump’s famous You’re Fired catch phrase.

The icy, 36-year-old blonde – who was running the Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff in Westchester and helping supervise the Trump National in Bedminster, N.J. – was let go earlier this week.

“She became a prima donna,” said one insider. “Being on ‘The Apprentice’ went to her head. She was no longer focused on business. She was giving speeches for $25,000 and doing endorsements.”

We have a feeling the real reason for the firing is Trump is a little jealous one of his puppets getting $25,000 for a speaking engagement. But, its more likely Carolyn just didn’t care about her job anymore when she didn’t even know the prices of items at the golf course she was supervising.

[NY Post]

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