January 8, 2007

Angelina Jolie not a fan of Madonna
Posted by George on January 8th, 2007
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie hates Madonna for illegally adopting her own African child.

Madonna knew the situation in Malawi, where he was born. It’s a country where there is no real legal framework for adoption. Personally, I prefer to stay on the right side of the law. I would never take a child away from a place where adoption is illegal.

Angelina’s recent comments follow accusations that Madonna used her fame and money to speed the adoption of David Banda late last year. Even though Jolie disagree with Madonna, she still feels sorry for her being “harshly criticized since taking David back to London to live with her family.”

Can this turn into a feud as spectacular as the Donald Trump vs Rosie O’Donnell saga? I suspect Madonna will come up with a response in her next single that will include how Angelina is a tramp who stole Jennifer Aniston’s man.

Kate Moss topless and nasty
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Posted by George on January 8th, 2007
Kate Moss topless
Click image to see NSFW versions

When you hear someone using both topless and supermodel together, you usually assume its going to be super hot. Sadly in this case you will be truly disappointed when you hear those two words utter together with Kate Moss. If you are a nipples kind of person and do click on the image above, your be presented with some extremely pointy nipples that can act like a set of pacifiers. If the topless picture didn’t scare you yet, you might want to take a look at her ass after the jump.

(Read more…)

January 5, 2007

Paris Hilton sleeps with monkey
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Posted by George on January 5th, 2007
Paris' monkey love

When people say Paris Hilton sleeps with animals, they are not lying, Paris actually sleeps with her pet monkey. Paris told Australian Cosmopolitan:

I don’t do that [have sex] unless I’m in a relationship. I’m old-fashioned when it comes to that. I really am! Yes, I’ve kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss, but that’s it. I don’t go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals, like my baby monkey, Brigitte Bardot.

Doesn’t this sleeping with monkey thing reminds you all of Michael Jackson and his pet monkey named Bubbles. Yea I knew it would. We will probably soon hear reports of Paris’ new sex tape involving a primate real soon. Just imagine this sex tape with a monkey will really make her famous, if not disgusting. Maybe someone already made a porn involving some dude dressing up as a monkey who had his way the girls.

Britney Spears talks about the media
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Posted by George on January 5th, 2007
Britney Spears celebrate 2007

Britney Spears has posted a message to her shrinking fanbase about the media’s recent portrayal of her public life.

Dear Fans,

It has been a while since I’ve addressed you personally here on my official website. The last couple of years have been quite a ride for me, the media has criticized my every move and printed a skewed perception of who I really am as a human being. Behind every decision I have made in my public life there always seems to be an apparent contradiction. I have come to terms with that which is why I usually don’t pay much attention to it.

The last couple of years have been very enlightening for me and now that I’ve had the time to be “me,” I’ve been able to sit down and think about where I want to go with myself as an entertainer with absolutely no strings attached. I am now more mature and feel like I am finally “free.” I’ve been working so hard on this new album and I can’t wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again! I would like to exclusively tell you that I am working hard to release the new album sometime later this year, but the date is of course not certain yet. I look forward to coming back this year bigger and better than ever, and to also reaching out to my fans on a more personal level. I noticed today that one of my biggest fansites is shutting down soon and I want you all to know that I do understand all the reasons that went behind making that decision, and I am sad to see it closing. If I were you I’d be unhappy too if I had to read what I’ve been reading every day. But trust me, I get it. I know I’ve been far from perfect and the media has had a lot of fun exaggerating my every move, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much, and I appreciate everything you have done for me, so Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


Not sure how the media is misrepresenting anything, the media didn’t wake up one day and imagine Britney’s vagina right smack in your face. All the media sees is her out partying all hours of the night. The last time we seen her with her child were when she was being a bad mother, like having Sean Preston on her lap while driving.

Britney Spears aging crazy woman
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Posted by George on January 5th, 2007
Britney Spears

Britney Spears is turning into an old crazy woman who talks to herself. Britney was heard repeating, “I love myself, I love myself” after coming out of the Dolce in West Hollywood. Later on someone screamed out, “You look beautiful” than she said, “I love you for saying that!”

All these recent partying has apparently turned her once young face into a bloated and haggard look.

But celeb watchers say the wild child’s new habit of binge drinking and chain- smoking has added at least 20 years to her face.

I can picture it now, Britney become one of those old woman with hundred of cats living with her and every neighborhood child runs away when they see her.

January 4, 2007

Donald Trump wants credit
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Posted by George on January 4th, 2007
Donald Trump

Donald Trump is taking credit for the boost in rating, The View, has experience. Trump tells New York Daily News, “Ratings are up because of me.” Trump says:

The ratings are up a little bit, from their worst year, and the only reason ratings are up is because of her attack dog attacking people. The difference is those people never fought back.

This comes after Barbara Walters’ on air retraction of Rosie’s comments about Trump being bankrupt, “ABC has asked me to say this just to clarify things, and I will quote: ‘Donald Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. Several of his casino companies have filed for business bankruptcies. They are out of bankruptcy now.'”

At this rate, Donald will soon take credit for the success of NBC’s show Deal or No Deal, remember his appearance on the show during the beginning of the shows start, yea you know Trump didn’t forget that. Wonder if I can take credit for his casinos coming out of bankruptcy, oh heck, I’m going to take credit because I did lose money to his casinos in Atlantic City.

Leonardo DiCaprio sorta adopts child
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Posted by George on January 4th, 2007
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has been reported to have adopted a South African girl he met at an orphanage while filming Blood Diamond. This isn’t your typical adoption that will involve him actually taking care of this little child. Leo’s support will come in the form of a monthly check, with the occasional phone calls to parent her.

This just isn’t an adoption. What Angelina Jolie and Madonna had are real adoption, this is just some monthly donation. Leo must be trying to start up a new kind of celebrity adoption. You know the one that doesn’t involve physically taking care of the child, but only a check that you don’t even know is going towards helping the child.

January 3, 2007

Justin Timberlake finally dumps Cameron Diaz?
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Posted by George on January 3rd, 2007
Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz finish

Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz have broken their relationship, according to Star magazine. The last time they were together was on December 16, when she introduced his musical performance on Saturday Night Live.

For the holiday, Justin was in Tennessee with family and Diaz was skiing in Vail, Colorado with her family. No normal couple spends the holiday on separate vacation from each other.

The breakup happen after a serious talk in which “ended with Justin deciding that his days with Cam were numbered.”

A source says, while partying at the Senses nightclub in Memphis, Justin told his friends:

Me and Cameron? We’re done. The breakup is for keeps!

Lindsay Lohan rejects Kevin Federline
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Posted by George on January 3rd, 2007
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan

You know you your really in the gutters pathetic when you get rejected by Lindsay Lohan aka Firecrotch. That’s exactly what happen to Britney Spears’ soon to be ex-husband Kevin Federline, he text message Lohan, “We should hang out,” in which she replied, “Why would I hang out with you?”

“She was totally grossed out,” a Lohan pal tells Us.

Says another, “She thought it was hilarious.”

However, Federline didn’t appreciate Lohan’s “Why would I hang out with you?” reply.

He fired back, calling her a “firecrotch.”

Says the source, “She couldn’t believe he was so pathetic. She doesn’t want him using her to make Britney jealous.”

Getting rejected by Lohan isn’t a easy feat, it takes a really big pathetic loser to have Lohan say no to sex with you. Kevin’s only luck at get back at Britney is to bang Paris Hilton, but if he also gets rejected by the human sperm bank, he still got the mystery blonde named Rebecca.

Tara Reid’s retarded New Years countdown
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Posted by George on January 3rd, 2007

Looks like either Tara Reid is a dumb retard who has killed off most of her brain cells or she never finish 2nd grade.

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