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When people say Paris Hilton sleeps with animals, they are not lying, Paris actually sleeps with her pet monkey. Paris told Australian Cosmopolitan:
I don’t do that [have sex] unless I’m in a relationship. I’m old-fashioned when it comes to that. I really am! Yes, I’ve kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss, but that’s it. I don’t go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals, like my baby monkey, Brigitte Bardot.
Doesn’t this sleeping with monkey thing reminds you all of Michael Jackson and his pet monkey named Bubbles. Yea I knew it would. We will probably soon hear reports of Paris’ new sex tape involving a primate real soon. Just imagine this sex tape with a monkey will really make her famous, if not disgusting. Maybe someone already made a porn involving some dude dressing up as a monkey who had his way the girls.