Author Archive

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

Denise Richards mixing cocaine and a suntan

Denise Richards maybe snorting some cocaine while getting a suntan at the beach. Here are some picture of Denise and what appears to be some kind of white substance on her nose. You decide if it’s cocaine or just some lip balm she had put on thinking her nose was her lips.

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

Fergie not engaged ot with a child

While in Miami for the pre-Super Bowl Pepsi Smash concert, Fergie told reporters that she neither engaged nor pregnant with Josh Duhamel child. I’ve heard that I’ve been engaged probably about seven times, and pregnant, but I’ve never been either. Sorry to disappoint. I don’t know about you guys but I am not disappointed at […]

Britney Spears want Kevin Federline back?

Some close friends of Kevin Federline has allegedly told TMZ that Britney Spears has been calling him late at night trying to get him back. The friends are also saying Brit’s relationship with Isaac Cohen is all a ploy to make K-Fed jealous. While other sources are saying they have little contact and the only […]

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

Joe Francis won’t be visiting Paris’ vagina again

Joe Francis phoned into Howard Stern’s satellite radio show to talk about the lawsuit Paris Hilton is filing against the website While on the show Howard asked Joe between Paris and Lindsay Lohan, who gave the best blowjob, Joe responded, “Paris.” The worst in bed according to Joe is none other than can’t count […]

Lindsay Lohan loves McDonald’s and sex

Two of the Lindsay Lohan favorite things to do is eating McDonald and having sex. Apparently rehab is just a vacation from the real world for Lohan, while in rehab she has been sending Brody Jenner some sexy messages involving fast food and jamming meat inside her vagina. We’ve eye-balled one particularly flirtatious sext-message that […]

Kate Moss take break from Pete Doherty

After video of Pete Doherty injecting himself with cocaine three times surfaced, Kate Moss has dumped the coke head once again. Seems like history is repeating itself. A source tells the Daily Mail: Kate is understandably livid about these pictures. That they were taken just two days after their special commitment ceremony simply adds insult […]

Lane Garrison freedom is about to be over

As suspected, the Beverly Hills Police Department has recommended to the L.A. County District Attorney that felony charges be filed against Lane Garrison for gross vehicular manslaughter. Blood test has also showed that he had more than double the legal amount of alcohol in his system and was also used cocaine. Eyewitnesses are reporting that […]

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Kevin Federline gets Taco Bell job offer

After getting work with Nationwide Insurance for their upcoming Super Bowl ad, Kevin Federline has just received another job offer, this time it’s a real fast food place. The President of Taco Bell has offer K-Fed a job offer that would only last one hour and anyone who goes to the store gets a free […]

Women prisoners’ uniform sexified

Thandie Newton wearing an updated prison uniform. OK not really, but this would be if it was a women prison movie and when I say movie I mean the porn kind. Image

Harry Potter all grownup

Harry Potter or the actor called Daniel Radcliffe is all grownup now. Here are some promo pictures for his upcoming play, Equus. The play calls for Daniel to simulates a sex act while naked and on a horse. There will be 60 people on stage watching him make his nude debut. One more without the […]

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