August 14, 2006

Kate Hudson soon to be single mother
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Posted by George on August 14th, 2006
Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson

The marriage between Kate Hudson and Black Crowes singer Chris Robinson are coming to an end. Kate’s publicist, Brad Cafarelli, has confirmed the news of the couple ending their marriage of six years.

They both have a son name Ryder Russell, was born Jan. 7, 2004. No reports of why they are splitting yet, but expect that to come out in the coming days.


Thursday is Ugly day
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Posted by George on August 14th, 2006
Ugly Betty
Cast of Ugly Betty

Thursday will now become ugly day on television. ABC new show Ugly Betty gets promoted to Thursday nights. Ugly Betty leads off ABC’s Thursday lineup at 8pm, follow by Grey’s Anatomy and than Six Degrees.

Ugly Betty is being produce by hot Latina Salma Hayek, who somehow convince someone at ABC to put this on Thursday. Bets are being place to see if Ugly Betty can take on NBC’s My Name is Earl and The Office. My bet is on the ugly, because crazy things happen.

Weekend Box Office: August 11 – August 13
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Posted by George on August 14th, 2006
Top 5 Weekend Grosses August 11 – August 13 (Estimated)
Title (Distributor) Wk Theaters Wknd
1 New Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby
2 3807 $23,000,000 $91,217,000
2 New Step Up
Buena Vista
1 2467 $21,065,000 $21,065,000
3 New World Trade Center
1 2957 $19,000,000 $26,800,000
4 2 Barnyard: The Original Party Animals
2 3311 $10,100,000 $34,100,000
5 New Pulse
Weinstein Co./Dimension
1 2323 $8,455,973 $8,455,973

Nicole Richie a stick girl
Posted by George on August 14th, 2006

Nicole Richie gets skinnier and skinnier as each day passes. In this picture Nicole is just looking gross in the bikini.

Nicole Richie stick in bikini
Nicole Richie the stick girl


August 12, 2006

Paris Hilton bitten by Baby Luv
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Posted by George on August 12th, 2006
Paris Hilton kinkajou

Paris Hilton’s little kinkajou has turned on poor Paris by biting her on her arm on Tuesday. It serves her right for using the poor kinkajou as an accessory. The whole incident took place while the two were allegedly playing early Tuesday morning. After the bite, Paris called her publicist instead of a god damn ambulance. TMZ reports that, “The wound was superficial and Paris spent a few hours at the hospital and received a tetanus shot.”

I feel bad for the kinkajou, Baby Luv didn’t even get tested for any disease that may have been transfer from human to monkey. When will the animal control people come and take this poor kinkajou away from Paris. We already know Baby Luv doesn’t want to be with Paris.

Christina Aguilera wants to stay married
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Posted by George on August 12th, 2006

Christina Aguilera doesn't need a baby

Singer Christina Aguilera has decided that she really wants to stay married to husband Jordan Bratman. With so many celebrity reality stars being curse by MTV, Christina is avoiding all that by turning down request for her own reality TV show. She tells MTV News:

We’ve been approached, actually, and it has been a question for some people, but my marriage and my relationship with my husband is something that I really want to protect.

My heart goes out to that whole situation. It’s a whole different ballgame, I feel, when you do open yourself up to that whole thing, and it must be difficult. You’re open to all the judgment in the world. At least now I can say, `Well, you don’t know my situation and it’s very private and special and sacred to me.’

Christina has become wiser after becoming a married woman. Now only if other celebrity couple will learn from her.


August 10, 2006

Floyd Landis is a girl
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Posted by George on August 10th, 2006
Floyd Landis Maxim

According to Maxim online, Floyd Landis is their Today’s Girl.

The alleged crime: After Tour officials found Jose Canseco-esque amounts of testosterone in his urine samples, Floyd is no longer recognized as the 2006 Tour de France champion.
His excuses: I always have high testosterone, I got wasted the night before on a 12 pack of Testoster-Ale, Mennonites have huge balls (full of testosterone), Hulk smash urine sample judge…
Our verdict: You can’t get away with using steroids. Unless you play baseball.

I wonder what is worst, being label as Today’s Girl by Maxim Online or being label as a drug using cheater?

[Maxim Online]

Dave Navarro dates pornstar Jenna Jameson
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Posted by George on August 10th, 2006
Dave Navarro and Jenna Jameson

It’s only been a few weeks since Dave Navarro and wife Carmen Electra separated and he is already reported to be dating mega pornstar Jenna Jameson.

Looks like Dave been hanging out with Tommy Lee a little bit too long on their reality show Rock Star: Supernova. You may all know Tommy has been connected to pornstar Stefani Morgan.

I wonder if Jenna was part of the reason for the split between Dave and Carman, because Dave and Jenna had co-hosted this year’s Erotica L.A. event in Los Angeles.

Weekend Movie Release: August 11
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Posted by George on August 10th, 2006
World Trade Center

August 9, 2006

Robin Williams goes into rehab
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Posted by George on August 9th, 2006
Robin Williams

Robin Williams has been in rehab since last month now, for treatment of his alcohol problem. Robin has just decided to release a statement to ET to let the world know:

After 20 years of sobriety, Robin Williams found himself drinking again and has decided to take proactive measures to deal with this for his own well-being and the well-being of his family. He asks that you respect his and his family’s privacy during this time. He looks forward to returning to work this fall to support his upcoming film releases.

Only if Robin would have also bought Mel Gibson into treatment with him last month, Mel would not have that anti-Semitic outburst the past week.


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