August 25, 2006

Don Vito charged with child sexual assault
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Vincent "Don Vito" Margera charged

Bam Margera’s uncle Vincent “Don Vito” Margera has been charged with “two counts of sexual assault on a child,” during a signing event last week at a skate park in Lakewood, Colorado:

Both counts are class-four felonies; a spokesperson for the Jefferson County District Attorney’s office said the charges don’t necessarily carry a mandatory prison term, but if convicted, Margera could face two years in prison and/or probation that could last from a mandatory 10 years up to lifetime supervision.

The spokesperson for the family has not return any calls for comment. Vincent’s lawyer, Pamela Mackey, also could not be reached for comment.

All I can say is what a dumb ass.


Celebrities avoid Kevin Federline VIP after-party
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Kevin Federline perform at Teen Choice Awards

After the Teen Choice Awards show, Kevin Federline threw a after-party for all the celebrities to congratulate him on an awesome performance. But, all the celebrities on his invite list were too smart to fall for this scam and never showed up after getting sick during his performance. These stars who didn’t fall for this were, Jessica Simpson, ‘The O.C.’ star Mischa Barton, ‘Superman Returns’ actor Brandon Routh, the Olsen twins, and singer Nelly Furtado.

The only celebrity who went to the shindig was wife Britney Spears, who would have not gone if it wasn’t for the marriage vow. An insider told New York Daily News:

After everyone saw Kevin’s performance, no one wanted to be stuck there having to pretend it was good.

If Mischa Barton didn’t even show up to the party, that tells us a lot about how god-awful his singing is. And if you haven’t seen it yet, this is your lucky day to check out the crap performance.

Elizabeth Hurley to become a farmer
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Elizabeth Hurley

Actress Elizabeth Hurley is going to quit Hollywood and become a farmer of organic food. I just can’t imagine seeing her farming organic food. Hurley says:

I’m a farmer because it’s a working farm. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s the only place I want to be.

When we get our organic status we’re going to farm properly and we’re going to have a herd of cows and proper sheep and proper chickens, and we’re going to have small amounts of Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs. I’ve joined the breeders’ club already and I’m quite excited about it.

I would like to go for some kind of organic food production and I plan to do it – maybe something Indian.

[Organic Fan]

Jessica Alba lost a teeth while kissing
Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba

Hot Hollywood star Jessica Alba has lost a teeth while kissing on the set of Good Luck, Chuck with Dane Cook. Dane must have some really strong teeth after years of drinking milk as a child. Jessica had the following to say:

We shot all our love scenes in one day and I actually lost a tooth. Isn’t that disgusting? Dane and I were smashing our faces together. It’s not the slowest, most romantic love scene. Dane’s a wild one.

I wonder how many teeth Jessica Simpson has lost to kissing Dane.

Cameron Diaz new dark look
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Cameron Diaz new black hair

Cameron Diaz sports a new look with her new black hair. Can this be a last ditch effort to keep Justin Timberlake or is this for a new movie? I don’t like this new look, what do you all think?


Weekend Movie Release: August 25
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006

August 23, 2006

Survivor of the races
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Posted by George on August 23rd, 2006

The new season of Survivor will pit four races against each other to see which race is superior at the end. The host Jeff Probst had the following to say:

I think at first glance, when you just hear the idea, it could sound like a stunt. Especially with the way reality has gone, it wouldn’t be unusual. But that’s not what we’re doing here. The idea for this actually came from the criticism that ‘Survivor’ was not ethnically diverse enough. Because, for whatever reason, we’ve always had a low number of minority applicants apply to the show. So we set out and said, ‘Let’s turn this criticism into creative for the show. I think it fits in perfectly with what ‘Survivor’ does — it is a social experiment. And this is adding another layer to that experiment, which is taking the show to a completely different level.

African-American Tribe:
  • Make-up artist, Rebecca Borman, 34, from Laurelton, N.Y.
  • Jazz musician and recording artist Sekou Bunch, 45, of Los Angeles
  • Nursing student Stephannie Favor, 35, of Columbia, S.C.
  • Retail salesman Nathan Gonzalez, 26, of Los Angeles
  • Sundra Oakley, 31, an actress from Los Angeles
Asian-American Tribe:
  • Nail salon manager Anh-Tuan “Cao Boi” Bui (pronounced Cowboy), 42, from Christianburg, Va.
  • Attorney Becky Lee, 28, of Washington, D.C.
  • Management consultant Yul Kwon, 31, of San Mateo, Calif.
  • Real estate agent Jenny Guzon-Bae, 36, of Lake Forest, Ill.
  • Fashion Director Brad Virata, 29, of Los Angeles
Hispanic Tribe:
  • Heavy metal guitarist Billy Garcia, 36, of New York
  • Professional volleyball player J.P. Calderon, 30, of Marina Del Rey, Calif.
  • Police officer Cristina Coria, 35, of Los Angeles
  • Waiter Oscar “Ozzy” Lusth, 25, of Venice, Calif.
  • Technology risk consultant Cecilia Mansilla, 29, of Oakland, Calif.
White Tribe:
  • Copier salesman Adam Gentry, 28, of San Diego, Calif.
  • Writer-producer Jonathan Penner, 44, of Los Angeles
  • Boxer-waitress Parvati Shallow, 23, of Los Angeles
  • Performer-roller girl Jessica Smith, 27, of Chico, Calif.
  • Pre-med student Candice Woodcock, 23, of Fayetteville, N.C.

Which group do you guys think will reign supreme, the African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic, or the Whites?


Paramount Pictures fires Tom Cruise
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Posted by George on August 23rd, 2006
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Paramount Pictures has decided to end it relationship with Tom Cruise and his production company Cruise/Wagner Productions. The reason for ending this 14 year relationship was all due to Tom’s behavior this past year, remember the couch jumping incident on Oprah or the whole psychiatry is a pseudo science statement on Today show.

Sumner Redstone, the boss behind the Viacom empire says Mission Impossible III was hurt because of these incidents.

As much as we like him personally, we thought it was wrong to renew his deal. His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount.

Rebuttal from Paula Wagner:

That came out of nowhere. It seems erratic. Paramount needs to spend more time identifying its goals and what films it wants to make. This is Hollywood’s oldest film studio, with a legacy to uphold.

I Wonder what the real reason Paramount decide not to renew its deal with Cruise’s production company. Even with a poor showing for MI:3, it still gross over $393 million worldwide. That’s still a big chunk of change for any studio.


August 22, 2006

Paris Hilton’s true friend test
Posted by George on August 22nd, 2006
Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton is sick and tire of her so called friends backstabbing her to the press, so she has came up with a test to perform on the friends to see if they are really her friends.

I’ll pick out two outfits, one which is disgusting and one nice and I’ll ask my ‘friend’ what they think. If they go for the revolting one, I cut them out of my life.

And as with Paris, this test isn’t going to work anymore, now that the whole world knows the test.

Brittany Murphy ends engagement
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Posted by George on August 22nd, 2006

Looks like Brittany Murphy will have to break out her little black book, now that she has ended her engagement with fiance Joe Macaluso. A rep for Brittany tells People magazine.

Brittany Murphy and Joe Macaluso have amicably ended their engagement. They remain close friends and wish each other much happiness.

The first sign the engagement was going to end was at the Teen Choice Awards when she showed up without her engagement ring, then saying, “Everything is going wonderful, thank you. I’m just living every moment, you know, enjoying my day.”

This is the second engagement that didn’t work out for Brittany, lets hope the third engagement will lead to a walk down the aisle

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