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I’m not sure how this happen, but Britney has regain visitation rights with her two boys before her October 26th hearing. Spears was spotted yesterday driving around town with her children and another person who is most likely her court appointed monitor.
The singer on Saturday was spotted driving with her children in Studio City, Calif., in her white Mercedes convertible, which was decorated with pumpkins on the dashboard.
A presumed court-appointed monitor was seated in the front seat, with her sons in the rear.
On Wednesday, L.A. Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon had temporarily suspended her visitation rights. A source close to Spears told PEOPLE the judge removed her rights after the pop star was unreachable by a cell phone designated for court-related scheduling.
Hopefully, Britney will get tested for drugs every couple of days now that the drug taker has her contact number. And the next time when Britney loses visitation have the court ask Sean Preston and JJ if they want to be raise by wolves or suffer in the hands of their mother.