Archive for the 'News' Category

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

American Refugee

I have been hearing the word Refugee being used to describe the victims of hurricane Katrina. I would never imagine this word being attach to people living in America. You usually only hear refugee being use to call people from Third World country, but these days its being use to by the media to call […]

Google Advertising Reach

There is a reason why Google Talk came out. What do you get when you combine Google VOIP + Google Ads + Google Print Ads = Google Pay-Per-Call advertising model. Google won’t be the first ones who are using this pay-per-call format. With Google Talk I can imagine an ad that’s on the IM screen […]

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Victims need Assistance

As you all know by now, Hurricane Katrina sweep through Louisiana and left behind a massive amount of destruction. People there need your assistants, instead of buying that next caffe latte consider donating that amount to the American Red Cross that will benefit victims of Katrina. There are many scams out there that will ask […]

Saturday, August 27th, 2005

Flasher becomes Famous

Got to suck to be this guy. If being posted on Flickr as a guy who pulled his pipe out and molested himself was bad enough. Now he is on the cover of the New Your Daily News for all to see. Knew there was a use for cell phone camera, its the new crime […]

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Google Finance

When it rains it pours, that’s whats going on with Google these days. After announcing Google Talk, Google is rumor to be coming up with their own Yahoo Finance. I bet Google can make their finance site a lot better. Hopefully they add features that Yahoo doesn’t presently offer or make it better. Maybe they […]

Monday, August 22nd, 2005

Whats Google Cooking Up?

Google will be announcing something this Wednesday. What will it be? Will it be some kind of instant messenger program, a portable email system like a BlackBerry, or something along the lines of a smart cell phone like the T-Mobile Sidekick? I think it will be some kind of instant messenger. I either case Google […]

Thursday, August 18th, 2005

Jacko slap with a 10K fine

More trouble for Michael Jackson, this time for not showing up for a civil sex abuse charge. Michael just can’t get a break. MJ was fine $10,000 but was not arrested for not showing up to the court. The 2004 suit filed in New Orleans by Joseph Bartucci, a disabled 39-year-old, alleges he was held […]

Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

Ice Cream Stick Ship

A Viking ship made out of ice cream stick and glue set sail in Amsterdam. The ship was made by an American named Robert McDonald, using 15 million ice cream sticks donated by an ice cream manufacturer and children around the world and a few tons of glue. This is what happen when you want […]

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Happiness Base on Wealth

Researcher has determine that money can buy happiness, as long as you have more money than others in your age group. It took a research to determine what most people have already known for many years, that they are happier when they are richer than if they were poor. Instead of increasing ones income to […]

Sunday, August 14th, 2005

Apple iPod Patent Own by Microsoft

What a twisted humor, the patent to Apple iPod’s method of using hierarchical menus to navigate through the iPod’s contents has been denied. This denial was because a similar method has been outlined in a Microsoft researcher’s patent application. So this looks like Microsoft will be getting some royalty payments for each and every iPods […]

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