Posted by George on February 23rd, 2007

All you single ladies out there, your chance with Usher has now officially ended. Usher has proposed to his girlfriend and stylist Tameka Foster. A source says:
It’s 100 percent official. She is wearing a beautiful ring and he’s been introducing her as his fiancée.
I bet Usher’s mother Jonetta Patton a little pissed off her son proposed to the same woman she think is going to replace her ass as Usher’s manager. Their relationship started with denials and now a rep for Usher is also declining to comment, so who knows if this whole think is just something to get his name in the press.
yeah this is usher furture girlfriend and i dont think he should marry tameka she look like a golddigger,so i’m on usher mom side usher just need to find somebody else.
I don’t think Usher should marry Tameka because she do look like a golddigger and I want Usher to be happy and I don’t think its with her.I would be happy if it were me but all I have to say is he shouldn’t marry her he should listen to his mother and to his # 1 fan!!!!!
i used to have the hots 4 usher & i still do but good 4 him that he wants to get married & if his marriage does or does not work out his mom will say i tould u so son.
Just because they’re engaged doesn’t mean they’re getting married. People break off engagements all the time. Anyway, I think Usher is a great singer. That’s it. I could care less about his personal life.
usher is not and will not get marryed anytime soon it is fake usher did not prosed to her at all the ring sher is wearing her ex husband give it to her and she isstill wearing her husband ring. what a shame. usher is seeing other women and she is pretty wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyybetter then that witch.
i wonder why those people with talents and good looking are marrying women who are more towards ordinary rather than those who are pretty and more suitable for them…i.e.josh holloway(LOST TV series: Tom Sawyer) married an indonesian woman and now usher, another of my favourite star is proposing to this old woman and probably marry her…are this women using some kind of love magic to seduce these sucessful men? or maybe thats what men are looking for in girls today?
dont marry her because you have someone who really loves you waiting.
I don’t think Usher must marry Tameka , becuase there are much much more girls that are waiting for you to get them then a golddigger . Usher please listen to your mother she is your everything and she want the best for her son. Please think again. You are a very great singer and a very great and sexy dancer
I think he should not marry this woman. From what I’ve heard she left her husband and three children to be with Usher. I think the relationship is doomed from the beginning. I have also heard she is pregnant but its high risk so no one is talking about it yet. We’ll see. He has to live his own life and make his own mistakes. That’s the only way he is going to learn.
Well this is for Usher. I do not know much about the hip hop or R&B industry, but I do know people. I dont know anything about Temeka Foster, except for the opinions of what the internet tells me, therefore I will not judge her. But I have grown and learned a great deal about Usher. And one thing I have learned is that no matter how many success or achievements we have in our live, nothing takes the place of being accepted for who are as an individual. And those lessons come from experiences, whhether good or bad. And if Tameka do break Usher’s heart and drains him dry, I pray that the experience will not make him bitter but open his eyes. So that when TRUE LOVE comes he will be able to recognize it and know that he does deserve it just like you and I.
i hate da girl usher was going to be
mine when i turn 18 but their married would only
last a min
Usher you can do so much better. Why would you want to marry someone who has ran off & left her kids? Come on now, you should know better.. Listen to your Mom she will never tell you anything wrong please do not let this lady mess your relationship up with your Mom. Tameka is no good for you she is broke & a GOLDDIGGER. Mommy knows best.
R&B/Singer, Usher who’s almost 29 shouldn’t ma-
rry, Tameka Foster cause she’s too old for him
and 11 years his senior! Usher should marry a w-
oman who’s younger than him rather than Tameka
Foster who has three children from her previous
marriage to Ryan F.! He should listen to his mo-
Dear Usher,
I am a 54 year old woman with lots of experience & advice… 1.)Please start thinking with your mind & not with your body parts! ! 2.)She has pocketbook whipped you, you poor baby! 3.)She’s a gold digger, she not looking for a broke n-gga!. 4.) If she didn’t do the right thing in the first marriage, she’s not going to do the right thing in this one. 5.)Please get a pre-nuptial agreement with this girl! Love…your second mother
five words….SHE-LOOK-LIKE-A-MAN!
I have been a usher fan for as long as he has been around. I like his music because I feel like I can relate to what he is saying. If he feels like this is the one I say he should go for it. Sure he has thosands of single sucessful women that would worship him if he married them,but if he feels like this old lady that he is with is the one why down him. you got to fall in love one day.
she ugly ass hell i think she a man
What are you thinking?!a few years ago, you broke off with Chili due to one of the reasons was that you were not ready to get married and she was bugging you about getting married and now you are ready to get hitched with someone who is older than Chili?
why he do that!!!!! he could find someone his age? what is the world coming to? this is most definitly a shock and a change for me. I am deeply hurt!