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Donald Trump is adding another person on his list to talk crap about. This time the human publicity machine has sight his site on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Donald thinks she’s a nice person, but he would like to fire her as the nation’s chief negotiator.
In all fairness, I see Condoleezza Rice – she goes on a plane, she gets off a plane, she waves, she goes there to meet some dictator. … They talk, she leaves, she waves, the plane takes off. Nothing happens, it’s a joke, nothing ever happens. I think she’s a very nice woman, but I don’t want a nice woman. I want someone that’s not necessarily nice.
Donald must be losing ground with his battle with Rosie O’Donnell so he has to find an easy target for his whipping post. Seems like his only targets are of the female persuasion, if I didn’t know any better I would think Trump hates female who talks.