Olsen Twins modeling for Badgley Mischka
© AP Photo/Badgley Mischka, Gilles Bensimon
Mary-Kate Olsen and sister Ashley Olsen took time off from modeling their own line of low price Wal-Mart clothing to do some high fashion modeling. The Olsen twins will be modeling in Badgley Mischka’s latest ad campaign.
The designer Mark Badgley and James Mischka gave the following statement for using the twins:
Ashley and Mary-Kate have grown up to become America’s young style icons. They have an amazing sense of fashion and individuality that intrigued us. [The twins] reflect the younger, edgier and more sensual glamour that we have incorporated in our latest fall collection.
In return Ashley issue the following statement:
We have been fans of Mark and James for years and were honored when approached to appear in the campaign.
You can find the ads in the April issues of Vogue, Elle, InStyle and Vanity Fair magazines.

Olsen Twins modeling for Badgley Mischka
© AP Photo/Badgley Mischka, Gilles Bensimon
[…] They have an amazing sense of fashion and individuality that intrigued us. [The twins] reflect the younger, edgier and more sensual glamour that we have incorporated in our latest fall collection. Read more here. See pictures here. […]
i need to talk to Ashley olsen! i met here when i was 10 and i told her she would be my best friend. and i never got a chance to talk to her. so if theres anyway i can talk to her can i plz!@!!!! email me at c33_1993@yahoo.com my other email doesnt work! plz i have to talk to her. ! ah! frustration
but they are like so totaly NOT HOT and this is cummin 4rm the best i am like so totally the hottest girl in skool… no like EVER!
They are extremely thing….They were more beautiful younger…now they give pain!!!!
love you!!!!!!!!!!
mary-kate und shley ir seit die besten schauschpeler die es in diesem land giebt ich habe 11 dvd von ech get eigentlich alle filme über liebe
hola!son supeeer guapas!!
i los bestidos son super monoss!!
cristobel wat ever ur name is i really dont think ur all that hot.. i cant say that the olsen twins are trhat often But i really think that they r hotter than u. oOo… also u know who i am!
hey will you please call 1-937-833-1558
These dresses are gorgeus!! I’ve been Olsen’s fan for years. Does anyone knows how much do these dresses cost? Please let me know on my mail!
Kiss to MK and Ash!
they are really looking damm good
i loved you guys like you guys your my favourite celebs but now mary kate you got anerexke and died your haire not lookin tha nice you guys looked butifule before all of that happed
ashleyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is sooooooooo hottt but mary iss soooooooooooo nott !!!!!
mary kate hat einen buckel das sieht aus wie eine alte oma die ist voll “MAGERSÜCHTIG”!
Ashley ist dagegen 100000000000000000000000 mal
omg i love this picture but they are looking alittle wierd
i think they shouldkiss each other
in the 1st pic,they both suck but in the 2nd pic mary kate sucks and ashley’s lukin very nice. they were excellent b4 but now naaaaaah …
I don’t know if they have an amazing sense of fashion or not, but I can say that in these pictures at least they are kind of scary. They used to be cute when they were younger.
we all rebmer them as kids from full house long with real life pal candace camron