Archive for the 'Strange' Category

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Happiness Base on Wealth

Researcher has determine that money can buy happiness, as long as you have more money than others in your age group. It took a research to determine what most people have already known for many years, that they are happier when they are richer than if they were poor. Instead of increasing ones income to […]

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Are You Sure You’re The Father?

A research has concluded that about 4% of fathers out there are raising some other man’s child. I can’t say that this comes at a surprise to me, maybe this is do to all the movies or shows that has brainwashed me to believing this. Maybe shows like the Jerry Springer show or The Maury […]

Friday, August 5th, 2005

Jailed for Molesting Sleeping Woman

A business executive was sentenced on Thursday to seven years in prison for sexually assaulting a sleeping woman seated next to him on a Delta Air Lines flight from Dallas to Boston. Deepak Jahagirdar, 55, laid a blanket over the 22-year-old woman who was returning from a vacation, unfastened her seat belt, unbuttoned her pants […]

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