Author Archive

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Bikini clad Sarah Harding to warm us up

With 20+ inches of snow coming down the past couple of days I thought some of you might need to warm up from having to shovel yourselves from the mountain of snow. I know I do.

Saturday, August 29th, 2009


Adam “DJ AM” Goldstein 1973 – 2009 Adam Goldstein better known as DJ AM was found dead in his apartment in New York City at 5:20PM yesterday. DJ AM had not been heard from for a few days, and one of his friends went to check on him, but got no response after knocking on […]

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Tickets to Michael Jackson’s Memorial

Embedded video from CNN Video The good news is tickets to Michael Jackson’s memorial service at the Staples Center will be free but the bad news is to get your hands on a pair of these 17,500 tickets will require luck because you will need to enter a lottery. In addition to tickets to the […]

TV Reporter bitch slaps fan on Live TV

During a live news report in Las Vegas about Michael Jackson a drunk person started to act like a drunk ass with the reporter and apparently pissing him off resulting in the drunk guy getting bitch slap. The funny part is not the slap but the two reporter back at the studio, just look at […]

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Michael Jackson’s public funeral at Staple Center

At first, the public funeral of Michael Jackson was suppose to take place at the Neverland Ranch, but now it looks like it will take place at the Staple Center in Los Angeles, CA on July 7 at 10AM PT. The Staple Center is own by AEG, which was also the promoter of Jackson’s planned […]

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

U2’s No Line on the Horizon album

U2’s upcoming new album, No Line on the Horizon, isn’t due in stores until March 3rd but you can listen to it for free on the 二元期权平台 . The free streaming of the whole album will last until March 3, 2009 with links to . Once you get to U2’s MySpace Music page you will […]

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Kanye West to pose naked

Singer Kanye West wants redefine the world of hip-hop as we know it by posing naked. Somehow I don’t think he will be redefining anything with is balls hanging. He tells Vibe magazine’s Feb 2009 issue: I definitely feel, like, in the next however many years, if I work out for two months, that I’ll […]

Friday, May 16th, 2008

Johnny Depp hung like a donkey

In a call Hollywood Babylon: It’s Back writers Danforth Prince and Darwin Porter takes no prisoners in Hollywood’s sexcapade with full-frontal shots of celebrities genitalia. The writers also wrote that Johnny Depp was known as “donkey exness dick.” Joining Johnny in the large package division is Sean Connery who posed nude for art studies and […]

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Caption Me: Two stoners unite

<img src="" alt="" title="Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse 炒外汇入门 Kiss” width=”410″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-2622″ srcset=” 410w,×219.gif 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 410px) 100vw, 410px” /> Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse 炒外汇入门 sharing a kiss last night. Can you say YUCK!

Angelina Jolie confirms twins

Angelina Jolie confirms she’s having twins after her Kung Fu Panda co-star Jack Black accidentally let it slip during an interview. Jolie confirmed the news that has long been rumored: she and beau Brad Pitt are expecting twins. Her Kung Fu Panda co-star Jack Black let the news slip during an interview fxcm about the […]

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