Posted by George on November 16th, 2007

The Los Angeles court have come to their senses and agree Britney Spears’ is a dangerous driver. The court have rule today that Britney can’t drive with her kids in the car.
Thank Goodness!
u must be #1, fuck off Kevin
I believe she should be given another chance to prove her motherhood, there are worse parents out there, she just needs a little support and guidance in the RIGHT direction, this includes excluding SOME close friends.
hi i think that neither brit or k-fed should have the kids. they are not ready.
Britney is victum and should not have her kids taken away from her. She is a young mother and she will make mistakes. I think her x Kevin is only after her money and child support he is a dog. Give her another chance. If they don’t want her to drive with the kids fine, but don’t take the kids.