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Michelle Rodriguez is heading back to jail after being sentence for 180 days for violating her probation and lying about completing her community service requirement.
A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ordered the former “Lost” actress to jail after she admitted failing to complete community service obligations contrary to a signed document stating otherwise, city attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan said. She must start her term by Christmas Eve.
Rodriguez, 29, was also found to have consumed alcohol on at least three occasions while wearing a monitoring bracelet around her ankle, in violation of a probation requirement she refrain from drinking for 90 days, Mateljan said.
After getting out of jail in six months, Michelle has been ordered by the judge to complete her community service picking up trash on the highway so everyone driving by can honk and laugh. Maybe I just made that last part up, but maybe not. The judge has guarantee Michelle will spend six months by prohibited her from being granted work furlough, early release or home confinement.