Posted by George on August 1st, 2007

Andrew Deetz, the photographer that had his ass beat down by Britney Spears’ bodyguard Julio “JC” Camera at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas is planning on suing Britney for the beating as well as her threat on killing him. Britney is hardcore these days; while her bodyguard was kicking Deetz’s ass, Britney was throwing a baby bottle at another photographer and yelling out, “I am going to kill you! I am going to fucking kill you!” at Deetz.
This is just crazy! I would be afraid myself if I was threated by her, she has already committed murder on her singing career and her image, until I realize its only Britney.
well maybe if you poxy fukin bunch of papparazi pricks just left her alone and leave her be for more than a second u wudnt have drove her to insanity with it all ur all horrible and if it was me i probably wud have killd you think urself lucky!