Paris Hilton has been disinherited from her grandfather Barron Hilton’s will. The family patriarch was never pleased with her sex tape and now after her 23 day stay in jail has had enough and taken her $60 million inheritance away. Jerry Oppenheimer a Hilton biographer says:
He was, and is, extremely embarrassed by how the Hilton name has been sullied by Paris. He now doesn’t want to leave unearned wealth to his family.
Looks like Paris has fucked the rest of the family over with her antics. Barron now plans to donate the whole $2.4 billion he is going to get from the sale of the company to charity. This old timer is now “the man” replacing Judge Michael Sauer.
I love it. It’s about time a celebrity’s actions has repercussions. I’ve always wondered how her family elders felt about all the embarrasment that she has brought to the Hilton name. Since she influences so many young girls, maybe they will get the message that their actions will eventually have consequences. The icing on the cake is that the money will go to charity as long as she can’t still get her hands on it later.