Posted by George on July 9th, 2007

Hayden Panettiere, who plays the cheerleader on the hit NBC show Heroes, loves to stick her currently underage (17 years old) tongue on multiple objects. Here are some of the various places the tongue has licked. The above one has her trying out some batter, hopefully it doesn’t contain any raw eggs. Below are her licking the Stanley Cup, statue’s butt, friend’s boob, and some candy wrappers.
Oh god yes shes hot. New pictures of her with Stephen on the beach too, at
she could lick my batter beater anyday!
[…] Está también deseosa de demostrar al mundo que ella no es ninguna Lindsay Lohan 2.0, me imagino que se refiere al consumo abusivo de sustancias estupefacientes… aunque se pase la vida sacando la lengua para chupar cualquier cosa que encuentre. […]