Posted by George on June 8th, 2007

Three cheers for Judge Michael Sauer, looks like this judge isn’t a push over for Paris Hilton’s vagina. Judge Michael has order Paris back to the slammer, Paris will have to serve the reminder of her sentence with credit for about 5 days already served. After the judge order Paris back to jail, Paris had to be escorted out of the court room by a female deputy and was heard screaming, “Mom, mom, mom” and “It’s not right”
Justice for all and if Judge Michael was to run for President, I would be voting. This just made my day.
The judge has sentence Paris to serve her original time of 45 days instead of the shorten 23 days. Way to go Mr. Judge.
I personally think the judge did the right thing. If ur goin to break the law 3 times then u do need to pay the price. I don’t care how rich or how famous u are the justice system should be equal to everyone. If I had to do 2 days in county when I was arrested for DUI what makes Paris Hilton so damn special to serve her time at home. I know the limits on my driver license after I had gone to court and I’m not making up excuses as to why I’m driving when I shouldn’t be. The laws were put in place for a reason and it’s not to walk all over them and do whatever u feel like. If she was smart, she should have had someone else drive her to wherever she was goin to on the nite of her arrest. Does she seriously think she’s invincible?
Paris, put your big girl panties on and deal with reality.
Ok Ok Ok
She is such a bitch ….. no photo’s of her eating or taking a crap ..come on..come on …. yah the photo’s of her giving a ..hummm oral massage and f**king …are all over the internet ..rot in jail you stupid bitch well as all those other f**ked up stupid, over paid, want ta be people …get off your high horse ..