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Lindsay Lohan made such a commotion that she was asked to vacate the Soho Grand Hotel in Manhattan, where her boyfriend was staying with another woman. It all started with Calum Best checking into the hotel with another woman and shortly after, Lohan checked in with another guy to make him jealous. After checking in, Lohan went clubbing until about 1:30am and then upon returning to hotel she collapsed in the lobby and had to be carried into her room by the manager.
She was writhing on the floor and everyone could see that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Lohan’s date and bodyguard seemed so appalled by the scene that they didn’t do a thing to help her, a staffer told Star, and so the hotel’s night manager carried Lohan to her room.
After recovering a little from her drunkenness Lindsay then proceeded to repeatedly telephoned Best’s room, which eventually lead her to walk up to his hotel room and started banging on it. All this craziness ended when she was asked to leave at 5:30am.