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Add another name to the possible father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby daughter, O.J. Simpson is now also claiming he could be the father of Dannielynn. Norm Pardo, who has taken over 70 hours of footage of Simpson from 2000 to 2005, is telling Page Six what O.J. had told him:
He said he knew Anna Nicole pretty well, and he said he had slow-moving sperm, and he might be the father.
O.J. also jokingly said:
I hope they don’t do a DNA test on Anna Nicole’s baby. If they find out Dannielynn is mine, I don’t want Fred Goldman trying to seize her money – or the baby herself.
Can you say publicity stunt. The next thing you gonna hear coming out of Simpson’s mouth will be his confession on killing his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Oh wait, Simpson already confessed with his now canceled book, If I Did It.