Miss Nevada USA Katie Rees isn’t as lucky as current Miss USA Tara Conner. Katie has now been officially striped of her title as Miss Nevada USA for those racy pictures of her kissing and licking other women and stripping in for the camera. Donald Trump told the Daily News:
Did you see those pictures? Unlike Miss USA, who made some bad choices, Miss Nevada is a real problem. . . . It’s a much different thing, and a much bigger problem.
Now go see the very NSFW pictures of her making out with other girls and flashing her breast. The next time we will hear about Katie Rees is when she becomes famous like the other beauty queen who posed for Playboy and had her title strip as well. That beauty queen is none other than Vanessa Williams.
No she does not need a second chance. She should have thought about all this before she was in the pagent. This is exactly how she acts all the time and it is the real her. Wonder what her parents think?