Paris Hilton
I shouldn’t be surprise to hear Paris Hilton breaking one of her promise, except this time it’s to a charity call Paradise Kids. Paris had made a promise to throw a benefit concert that would raise funds for them:
I’ll get a few friends together. I know the Backstreet Boys will help out for sure and I talked to Blu Cantrell last night. I definitely want to do this. My grandmother died of cancer and I almost lost my cousin to leukemia. It’s just something very important to me.
I love kids and I just feel it’s the right thing to do. It makes me feel good about myself and it helps other people.
Instead all the children got was an empty promise. In all fairness, I bet the reason for not following through on her promise was, because she didn’t want to deal with abuser Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. Rev Mavor of Paradise Kids has the following to say about Paris’s promise:
The promise hasn’t amounted to anything – nothing, not a penny. We really needed the funds.
So I suggest Paris stick with making night vision porn, instead of making promise that she can’t keep.
Whoever is writing these articles can’t possibly speak english, can you? The tenses are all wrong, you sound like an uneducated half wit. And who publishes illiterate crap like this? I mean, I know it’s scandal, and that’s fine, just don’t sound like an imbicile when you sling mud at people. It certainly puts you in the same or worse catagory as the Spears, Hilton or Federline you are trashing! Come on, you can’t possibly be getting paid for this ridiculous amateur english, can you? You sound absolutely stupid, like you have a 4th grade education. Don’t you know what spell check is? It would help a little, but then what you really need is a LOT of english classes, dummy.