Isabelle Dinoire
© Pascal Rossignol/Reuters
The world’s first partial face transplant took place in France. The total time to perform the surgery was 15 hours, using tissues, muscles, arteries and veins from a woman who has committed suicide.
Isabelle Dinoire had been disfigured by her dog when she was passed out from taking medicines to calm herself down after having an argument with her daughter.
Isabelle Dinoire, 38, smiled and laughed awkwardly in her first appearance before reporters since the operation in November and spoke in slurred and laboured tones.
Despite her trauma, Dinoire said the transplant was now part of her and she did not refer to any identity crisis caused by having part of someone else’s face grafted on to her.
“I can now smile and make faces so I think I have taken over the face,” Dinoire told a packed news conference at Amiens hospital 110 km (70 miles) north of Paris.
well i think that you just leave her alone and that she is a normal person i saw her on tv and i felt sorry for her but you shouldn’t feel sorry for her beacausewe should feel happy for her the doctors gave her a new face if not she would be a monster if that didnt all i have to say is … leave her alone and i thank the doctors !!
from maddi
age 11
born 1 11 95