August 21, 2006

Time for Kevin Federline to retire
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Posted by George on August 21st, 2006

Looks like it’s time for Kevin Federline to hang up his microphone and spare us from having to hear him sing anymore. What a god awful performance at the 2006 Teen Choice Award. If you don’t believe me, check out the video below.

Heidi Klum baby making machine
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Posted by George on August 21st, 2006
Heidi Klum

Supermodel Heidi Klum is awaiting the birth of her second child with husband Seal, but looking forward to having more babies after that.

We want to have a lot of children. (Seal) always says that he finds me the most beautiful when I’m pregnant.

The difference between Heidi and Angelina Jolie is she wants to make her own babies instead of having someone else.


Weekend Box Office: August 18 – August 20
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Posted by George on August 21st, 2006
Top 5 Weekend Grosses August 18 – August 20 (Estimated)
Title (Distributor) Wk Theaters Wknd
1 New Snakes On A Plane
New Line
1 3555 $15,250,000 $15,250,000
2 1 Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby
3 3741 $14,100,000 $114,686,000
3 3 World Trade Center
2 2998 $10,800,000 $45,005,000
4 New Accepted
1 2914 $10,100,000 $10,100,000
5 2 Step Up
Buena Vista
2 2639 $9,867,000 $39,448,000

August 19, 2006

Britney Spears’ second baby a mistake
Posted by George on August 19th, 2006
Britney Spears

Britney Spears tell People magazine that her second baby was not plan at all. Translation, the baby was a mistake resulting from a broken condom. OK, I just made that translation up.

It just kind of happened. I’m going to wait a while for the next (one)! I feel like I’ve been pregnant for 10 years! It is now starting to get a little tiring, holding (Sean Preston), but the whole pregnancy I’ve done it a lot because he’s very attached. It makes me feel needed and wanted, so I like it too.


Baby on board Pamela Anderson?
Posted by George on August 19th, 2006

Pamela Anderson's Bump

Can it be, there is a new baby on board newlywed Pamela Anderson? Or is it just some body fat from all wedding cake?


Pink not mad at Mel Gibson
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Posted by George on August 19th, 2006

Another celebrity comes to the defense of Mel Gibson and his anti-Semitic comments while he was being arrested for drunk driving. This time it’s singer Pink, who says:

I’m a fan of his work. I think anybody with opinions like that needs well-wishing.

And I’m Jewish. Alcohol makes you do crazy things.

Look for Pink to star in the next Mel Gibson movie.

August 17, 2006

Weekend Movie Release: August 18
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Posted by George on August 17th, 2006

August 16, 2006

Justin Timberlake thinks Taylor Hicks can’t sing
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Posted by George on August 16th, 2006
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is not a big fan of American Idol winner Taylor Hicks. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Justin talks about Taylor not being able to carry a tune.

People think he looks so normal, and he’s so sweet and he’s so earnest, but he can’t carry a tune in a bucket.

Justin also went on to say that Taylor’s fame is not stable, by saying:

If [Hicks] has any skeletons whatsoever, if God forbid, he’s gay, and if all these people in Mississippi who voted for him are like [then he takes on a thick southern accent], ‘Oh my god, I voted for a queer!’ It’s just too much pressure.

Can that gay thing be because his former bandmate Lance Bass coming out of the closet and telling the world he is gay. Maybe Justin is still piss about the whole Lance being gay.

[The Scoop]

Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson affair
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Posted by George on August 16th, 2006
Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson secret affair

We may now know the truth about why the marriage between Kate Hudson and husband Chris Robinson are going it quits. The main reason according to Us Weekly is that Owen Wilson may have been behind the split. A source tells Us:

This is not a fling. Kate is crazy about him. Owen gives her so much attention, and she loves it. [That’s why] she wants her marriage to be over.

Another source says, “Owen is not-so-secretly hoping she will leave Chris so they wouldn’t have to hide. He is falling for her.”

As expected, the usual responses from the reps. Kate’s rep had no comment and Owen’s lawyer says, “[Anything] that suggests that the separation of Ms. Hudson was caused by Mr. Wilson…is absolutely false.”

[Us Weekly]

Sleep in the same bed as Paris Hilton
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Posted by George on August 16th, 2006
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton’s stuff for sale

Now is your chance to get into Paris Hilton’s bed. StarStyle is now auctioning off various items from Paris’ Hollywood home. Items includes side tables, an oriental rug, wicker lounge chairs, McGuire Tambour copper lamps, and the highly functional “elephant stand,” all starting at a relatively budget $300 or less.

If the bed is what you want than be warn, “This is a used item so there has been some wear and tear, but the general condition should be depicted in the pictures.” What that got to mean is there are cum stains and maybe some vaginal secretions. But to be exact, the buyer will have to do some DNA test on the stains.


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