August 31, 2006

Weekend Movie Release: September 1
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Posted by George on August 31st, 2006

John Travolta kiss a dude
Posted by George on August 31st, 2006

Is that John Travolta kissing a dude on the steps of a plane? John can’t blame this gay kiss on a movie because its no damn movie you are all watching. Now all we need now is

John Travolta kiss another man
John Travolta manly kiss

August 28, 2006

Own the boat from Gilligan’s Island
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Posted by George on August 28th, 2006
S.S. Minnow

Are you a fan of the Gilligan’s Island? Well you can now get your very own S.S. Minnow, the boat you see in the opening credit of the show. According to the site that’s selling it, the boat was built in 1960, measure in at 37 foot, and it’s all yours for the price of $99,000.00.

Meredith Vieira not scare of Barbara Walters
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Posted by George on August 28th, 2006
Meredith Vieira
Meredith Vieira

After leaving The View for Today, Meredith Vieira, has started to poke fun of the remaining cast of the show. You would think it would be career suicide to get on the bad side of Barbara Walters, not Meredith. In a interview with Time magazine Meredith just started to talk trash about the old show she was on. She was asked, “Have you been watching since you left–and what did you think of Star Jones Reynolds’ leaving?” She responded with the following:

I didn’t watch at all. I needed to think ahead. But I have to admit, the day after Star made her announcement, I watched. I feel very sad for everything that’s happened and for everybody involved. I’m proud of the work we did there, but it’s not a good time in the history of that show. It’s hard to watch. It sort of became a joke.

So there you go Barbara, The View is a big fat joke these days. Lets just hope Meredith does some stellar job over at NBC, because we all know she’s not welcome back on The View.

Weekend Box Office: August 25 – August 27
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Posted by George on August 28th, 2006
Top 5 Weekend Grosses August 25 – August 27 (Estimated)
Title (Distributor) Wk Theaters Wknd
1 New Invincible
Buena Vista
1 2917 $17,029,000 $17,029,000
2 2 Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby
4 3370 $8,000,000 $127,684,000
3 7 Little Miss Sunshine
Fox Searchlight
5 1430 $7,500,000 $23,023,994
4 New Beerfest
Warner Bros.
1 2964 $6,500,000 $6,500,000
5 5 Accepted
2 2917 $6,500,000 $21,100,000

August 26, 2006

Tom Cruise 2.0
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Posted by George on August 26th, 2006
Tom Cruise's Yahoo Deal

After being fired by Paramount Studios, Tom Cruise has gotten back up and not looking back. Tom with Katie Holmes met secretly with bosses of Yahoo! in Santa Monica, California. Well not so secretly now that you are reading this and seeing the pictures.

The meeting must have went well considering it lasted for well over three-hours. The word on the street web is that all of Tom’s future movies will be backed and funded by the Internet company.

On a side note, who made Katie wear that winter coat in California’s 100 plus degree weather?

Maybe Yahoo! is ready to test their new ad system to counter Google. I can just see it now, Yahoo! will be selling ads product placement to be inserted into the next Tom Cruise movie.

Two Fergies join force
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Posted by George on August 26th, 2006
Fergie of Black Eyed Peas

The Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie and The Duchess of York will be joining forces to help some needy children. During an interview Fergie was asked if she had ever met her namesake Sarah Ferguson before, she replied with:

Yes, I had a conversation with her on the phone. It was great – I was talking to royalty! I think we are going to do some charity work together. I know that she builds schools and both my parents are teachers. I always had to get good grades so that is an important thing to me because it has helped me along in life.

Fergie’s new solo album The Dutchess will hit stores on September 19, 2006.

Reason for Kanye West getting engaged
Posted by George on August 26th, 2006
Kanye West
Kanye West

According to website, the real reason Kanye West got engaged was a story they were going to write, which put to question his sexuality.

Since Kanye West burst on the scene three years ago, rumors regarding his sexuality have persisted. Last year the Chicago rapper added fuel to the fire when he told an interviewer that his high school friends used to call him “a fa@@ot.” In the same interview, he recalled questioning his own sexuality, saying “I would go back and question myself, like, ‘Damn, why does everyone else walk like this, and I walk like this?'”

A tipster that’s in Kanye’s inner circle had approach MediaTakeOut about the close relationship he has with fellow labelmate John Legend. The source claimed that the two singers regularly share the same hotel room while on trips. On the date of the schedule interview the tipster left this message, “Kanye knows that someone’s been talking to reporters … please don’t tell anyone it was me.”

And is it a coincident that two days after the message, Kanye told the world he is getting married? If this gay thing is really true, we can all expect to hear news in the coming months about the engagement being over.

I just don’t believe Kanye is gay, because he had confess to being addicted to sex and collecting porn. Than again he never specify what kind of porn.

[Media Take Out]

August 25, 2006

Jennifer Lopez is pregnant
Posted by George on August 25th, 2006
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

According to Jesse McCartney, Jennifer Lopez is pregnant with husband Marc Anthony’s child. During an interview with a couple radio show hosts, Jesse let out the news that J-Lo has a bun in the oven.

In an otherwise innocuous interview, McCartney disclosed that he is dating actress Katie Cassidy, daughter of baby boomer teen idol David Cassidy. He then spilled that his gal pal has been cast as Lucy Ewing in the big-screen adaptation of the 1970/1980s TV soap “Dallas.”

Then Locke inquired, “Oh, so I bet your girlfriend can give us the scoop on why Jennifer Lopez was fired from the movie?” Without thinking, McCartney replied, “She didn’t get fired. She’s pregnant.”

I bet Lopez and Anthony are a little piss knowing the world know what they were not ready to tell.

We congratulate J-Lo on this great news, even if she didn’t want others to know yet.

Rep for J-Lo has deny she is pregnant.

[Teen Hollywood]

Caption Me: Heather Locklear pops up
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Posted by George on August 25th, 2006

Heather Locklear takes a peek

Heather Locklear is like a groundhog taking a peek out of its hole.

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