Posted by George on May 29th, 2006

Nicole Richie at the beach in a bikini on 05/28/2006. She looks exactly like the skeleton you usually see in science class.
Nicole Richie at the beach in a bikini on 05/28/2006. She looks exactly like the skeleton you usually see in science class.
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Seriously! If u think calling her “stick thin” and “skeleton” is going to make her gain weight, you must be SADLY misstaken! DAH! Stop being jelous, yes she’s too thin and she’s addmitted that! And she has gain a slight amount of weight, leave her be! And if you’ve seen her when she was young she was VERY thin and she was in reahab a while ago and ALL there was to do was eat so a little weight gain is normal, then she worked it off! DAH! Look at ALL the facts before you judge her or ANYONE else for that matter!