According to News of the World, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears might have something more besides friendship. A source that’s close to the two has told the newspaper that while they were in Las Vegas, “they went into a toilet and came out 20 minutes later, clothes and hair all over the place.” The source added that Paris is crazy over Britney:
Paris loves the fact that Britney gets turned on by going commando. She even demanded that Britney take her knickers off in front of her. Britney just obeyed. They love to prance naked in front of each other and that night they really got to know each other.
This now make sense when you look at it, Paris loves seeing Britney without underwear, and Britney’s really vulnerable and would do anything to maker herself feel wanted. All resulting into Britney not wearing any pantie, for what we assume is quicker access for Paris to Britney’s honey pot.
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WOW… incredible…Lesbo fun….Beautiful… Do it baby…screw paris…lick it…
sal you are the most disgusting person on the planet
I,personally, feel that the alegations surrounding Paris and Britney are completely false and Sal can go f*** himself. Honestly dude, grow up!! I think that Paris is having an affair with your mother’s honey pot.
Sal’s funny… its all publicity. No need to get bent out of shape. Her dollar value is all about the public seeing her as a sex symbol. She was just fat as hell, just had a kid… etc etc. I wouldn’t even be shocked if the split up wasn’t staged… remember the sex tape that was, but now is not? It’s all a load of taco bell.
I think that Interspies is a lesbian who wants Britney or Paris all up in her honey pot. End of story.
i don’t think that it is a bad thing there are plenty of other lesbains out there hell ilike it it turns me on
totally believable – they’re both tramps. I wonder who dons the strap-on?
Hey! That’s sooo not true … I mean, how could someone say something like that … Omg, gross! Paris is not lesbian … Fuck you, people that say that
no ei tod oo lespoja ei britney ainakaan taitaa kirjottaja itte olla tai haluais et se on lespo mut huoh
Ohh my godd… Thats SO beliveable!! Britney Spears is a frickin lesbian? Noo she has to be bi sexual cause she like married A whole shit load of people so yeah.