Author Archive

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Sienna Miller think this is hot

Sienna Miller think this is hot. Maybe she just had sex and had to quickly dress for the Factory Girl after-party Monday night and didn’t notice she put her pantie on last. You’re probably all saying, “At least she’s wear pantie,” and your right.

No American Idol for Courtney Love

You may have read it here yesterday about Courtney Love replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol. We are happy to hear it’s not true. The shows executive producer Nigel Lythgoe has squash all this nonsense: I did not call Courtney Love and am afraid someone may have misrepresented me. Courtney Love is a very talented […]

Pete Doherty continues the drug thing

Found this gem of a video on LiveLeak and boy is Pete Doherty at it again, doing what he does best and that’s using cocaine. Doherty has found a new way to get high and it involves injecting the cocaine with a syringe. He was invited by three girls to their room at a Thai […]

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

American Idol to replace one crazy judge for another

Move over Paula Abdul, American Idol is about to replace your drunken ass with former and maybe present drugged out singer, Courtney Love. Us Weekly is reporting that Courtney told them Idol’s executive producer Nigel Lythgoe called her office last week asking if she would like to sit in as a guest judge. “He called,” […]

Brandy could be charged for manslaughter

The California Highway Patrol has recommended Brandy be charged with misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter for her role in causing the crash last month that resulted in a death. The city’s attorney office is currently deciding if the “evidence warrants the filing of a misdemeanor charge of vehicular manslaughter.” If convicted of the charge she’d face a […]

Monday, January 29th, 2007

Kevin Federline is on your side

Kevin Federline’s Super Bowl ad for Nationwide Insurance is completed for all of you to watch. After watching the commercial your remember why Kevin’s rap career never took off. It’s good to see him laughing at himself, even if he got paid to do it. I still personally like my idea of him pretending to […]

Paula Abdul is Woman of the Year

Paula Abdul What the hell is going on with this world. Paula Abdul gets the title of Woman of the Year at the Nevada Ballet Theater’s black-tie gala at the Wynn hotel. Who in their right mind would be handing out Woman of the Year award to Paula, they must not have seen that drunken […]

Britney Spears wants Justin Timberlake back?

Is vagina flashing Britney Spears looking to get back with ex-lover, Justin Timberlake? According to a TMZ source that just might be the case. Britney has been trying hard to get Justin on the phone, but he’s not having any reconnection with her. When Cameron Diaz found out what Britney was trying to do, she […]

Scott Storch still gets no love

Record producer Scott Storch was a little pissed off that his famous female friends never bother showing up to his birthday party last month, according to a source for Page Six. Scott had threw a party at Mansion nightclub in Miami expecting the likes of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears to show. He’s upset that […]

Jennifer Lopez’s Scientology connection

The cat’s out of the bag now, Jennifer Lopez has a personal connection to the Church of Scientology. Lopez’s father has been a practicing Scientologist for 20 years. Lopez tells NBC 6 in Miami: I, myself, am Catholic. But it’s just sad that people would look at it (Scientology) in that way. My dad has […]

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