You all probably know Hayden Panettiere is a wanted girl by many guys, now she’s officially a wanted girl in Japan. There is now an arrest warrant out for Hayden after her failed dolphin-saving mission a few weeks ago. Hayden with a couple fellow dolphin lover tried to paddle their way to a group of dolphins in an attempt to steer them away from being massace at a nearby cove.
“It was really frightening,” Panettiere said at the time. “But in the end, all we really worried about was the dolphins.”
After returning to shore, the group headed directly to Osaka and left the country to avoid being arrested for trespassing by the Japanese national police.
Now it looks like the scare’s not quite over for the actress.
When asked what the arrest warrant could mean, Panettiere replied, “Potentially jail, but I doubt it.”
Looks like the Heroes cheerleader really needs to be saved for us to save the world. This is going to be a tough battle, do we save the Hollywood cheerleader who has millions or do we support the local fisherman who has to do this to support their family?