Kid Rock and five members of is entourage were Sunday after a fight at a Atlanta Waffle House. The fight started after an argument with a customer turned violent.
“Rock along with five members of his entourage were charged with one count of battery, which is a misdemeanor. The victim etoro … was treated and released at a local hospital for his injuries,” Mekka Parish, spokeswoman for DeKalb police, said.
The Waffle House pressed charges against the man involved in the fight with Rock’s entourage after a window was punched out during the fight, which started inside but ended in the parking lot, Parish said.
Fighting at a Waffle House after a concert, now that’s news, who knew Kid Rock was still performing. An even bigger surprise is that his latest album Rock N Roll Jesus is number 1, a first in his career.
What self respecting redneck would not throw down and defend his honor in the presence of skanks at the Waffle House? This is so white trash but great media exposure for Kid Rock. He has a new album to pimp and news like this reinforces his “badass” monicker among his fans.