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Brandy was involved in a car accident that took the life of a driver. A few days before the New Year, Brandy climbed into her Land Rover and took off on the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles at 65 mph, but did not slow down when others in front of her had slowed down considerably and winded up smashing into a Toyota in front of her. Which caused the Toyota to hit another Toyota before it slid sideways and stopped at the center divider, at this point an Acura hit the Toyota stopped at the divider. The driver of the first Toyota, Awatef Aboudihaj, was taken to the hospital and died the next day. Brandy was allow to go while the police conduct their investigation into weather a malfunction was to blame. An eyewitness in the car behind her said:
She got upset, talking about how it was all her fault … she didn’t stop, kept saying how she hit the lady. Brandy walked in front of traffic, crossing the lanes of speeding cars, then she did it again. People were honking at her to get out of the road. She was obviously disoriented and highly upset.
Brandy’s publicist, Courtney Barnes, confirmed the accident took place in following statement today:
Brandy was involved in a car accident December 30, 2006 in Los Angeles where there was a fatality. She wishes to publicly express her condolences to the family of the deceased. Brandy asks that you respect the privacy of everyone involved at this time.
You know if you weren’t somewhat of a celebrity, your hands would be cuff and your ass would be place in the officer’s backseat and charged with reckless driving.