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Playboy founder Hugh Hefner is seriously considering having another child at the age of 80, that’s right eight zero. The lucky girl to be the recipient of his sperms is one of three live-in girlfriend Holly Madison. Hefner said:
I wouldn’t say that there’s a plan, but there has certainly been a conversation. I think ‘probability’ is probably an overstatement, but ‘possibility’ is very real. It began as a wish, and now it’s becoming, I mean, on Holly’s part, it’s a more serious conversation.
Hugh also added that Holly is the one for him:
It’s fascinating – I mean, with all the years and the romantic adventures and the marriages, etc. – to find something as special as this at this stage in my life is a miracle.
I can’t imagine legendary Playboy having sex with any of these three girls, oh wait, they now have that little blue pill. You’re probably reading this and feeling a little gross out realizing that a 80 year-old will be like 100 years old before the child can drink legally. This got to be the easiest way to get yourself in the Guinness Book of World Records.