Posted by George on August 14th, 2006
Nicole Richie gets skinnier and skinnier as each day passes. In this picture Nicole is just looking gross in the bikini.

Nicole Richie the stick girl
Nicole Richie gets skinnier and skinnier as each day passes. In this picture Nicole is just looking gross in the bikini.
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Nicole Ritchie is profoundly mentally ill and suffers from the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. She resembles a skeleton no less and is an extremely poor example to teenagers worldwide. She requires urgent medical attention, because she is going to die. Mind you perhaps that is the wakeup call that teenagers require to stop this deadly obsession with being rail thin. She’s a walking skeleton. She requires therapy. And she clearly is happy with the way she appears, which is rather disturbing. If only she realised just how unattractive and unappealing she is and that people worldwide view her with repulsion and repugnance.
ur so skinny
ok theres something you all NEED to know. its time to wake up society, telling someone “go and eat.” will not make them, ive been there. iv been anorexic and yes people like nicole were my “thinspiration” but i was sick. and so is nicole. she is suffering just the same as me or anyone else. she will get better when she wants to and no one can make her, deep down recovary has to be a personal choice n i know its hard to sit and watch someone fade away but it becomes an addditction and its in your head, she cant help it and to let you know she nore anyone else with an ED choose it. infact they may never tell you this but they hate it. i have every faith in nicole and i wish her all the luck in the world.
this is not even nichole richie…yea ok shes going to wear a swimsuit that doesnt even fit her…ok no.
suck dicks
Fuck you u nasty anorexic bitch ass ho bag!!!!!!!!!!
I love her but in that picture she’s toooooo skinny!!!!
we all want to be skinny but thats just sick!!
she looks fat. that bitch need to lay off the short ribs befo she start lookin’ like rasputia. cuz you kno the bitch already probably acts like rasputia!
love you no matter what
i personally think that nicole richie used to be fat…but now i think she is just a SKINNY DISGUSTING UGLY WHORE BITCH!!! like gag me
wow. just wow. i stumbled across this site while searching for information on eating disorders. dont you people have anything to do? really. how about instead of “discussing” these sociopath whores volunteer at a childrens center or get involved in the community somehow. you are all wastes of life just as much as the people you are talking trash about. you should all just go kill yourselves.
sheet girl
She’s pretty disgusting, but I have to be honest… I’d still hit that. 🙂
Seriously! If u think calling her “stick thin” and “skeleton” is going to make her gain weight, you must be SADLY misstaken! DAH! Stop being jelous, yes she’s too thin and she’s addmitted that! And she has gain a slight amount of weight, leave her be! And if you’ve seen her when she was young she was VERY thin and she was in reahab a while ago and ALL there was to do was eat so a little weight gain is normal, then she worked it off! DAH! Look at ALL the facts before you judge her or ANYONE else for that matter!
Seriously! If u think calling her “stick thin” and “skeleton” is going to make her gain weight, you must be SADLY misstaken! DAH! Stop being jelous, yes she’s too thin and she’s addmitted that! And she has gain a slight amount of weight, leave her be! And if you’ve seen her when she was young she was VERY thin and she was in reahab a while ago and ALL there was to do was eat so a little weight gain is normal, then she worked it off! DAH! Look at ALL the facts before you judge her or ANYONE else for that matter!
Could u just give it a rest she is a person u know!
ho need a scarf to cover her skin
I think she’s fine the way she is. And if she’s happy with the way she looks, GOOD FOR HER. So many people AREN’T. She’s confident, and that’s more than some people have going for them.
Do you go up to fat people and tell them they look sick? That they need to cover up? Seriously, stop being so nit-picky. She’s a human with feelings. How would you feel if people were saying that your body looked sick and disgusting?
Personally I’d rather look like her than Anna Nicole pre-Trimspa ANY DAY.
This is not a stick girl. This is anorexia probably from being another coke head which is so popular as we read in the tabloids amongst all the stars. The best thing would be if people forgot about this person and stopped making her famous. She is but another example of why people are so struggling to be sick, rich and stupid. When this is in the media we have people arguing about it rather than questioning why this is in the media at all.
Who seriously should give a tish whether she is thin or fat or whatever. She doesn’t matter. You matter. These people are literally stars in your eyes and nothing more. Pretend you got hit on the head and try another life of self loving rather than idolizing because the media tells you to. x 🙂 T