What’s the celebrities way of turning a wrong into something good? Well the solution to all celebrity problem is to enter rehab to rehabilitate a bad image. That’s the way Mel Gibson is taking after his past weekend arrest for drunken driving and anti-Semitic comments, according to rep Alan Nierob, “He is in a program of recovery at this time.” Mel’s neighbor who happen to be a co-founder of a celebrity treatment centre called Passages tells Star magazine:
I understand he has gone into recovery program. The center that I’ve heard he’s checked himself into follows the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program. And I don’t believe that will help him.
I think he needs individual intense therapy by a team of people who know what they are looking for in causes in alcoholism. There are only four causes and it is one or more of those four causes that are causing him to be out of control.
The Mel Gibson that we all know is not that kind of a person. When alcohol enters his system he becomes an out of control, belligerent, nasty guy. It’s not Mel Gibson’s life. Most of time, 99.9 percent of time he is fine upstanding gentlemanly person.
So according to what Mr. Nierob said, 0.1 percent of the time Mel is a racist belligerent that blames Jews for all the war in the world.
I think Mel, was drunk & spoke out of turn. i don’t believe Mel is a racist.