Who the hell is Umberto Billo?
Posted by George on May 31st, 2006

Umberto Billo has been named number one in Maxim magazine’s Top 10 “Living Sex Legends” list. Now I want to know who the hell is Umberto Billo? Umberto Billo claims to have shagged with 8,000 women, thats 3,000 more than second place Charlie Sheen.

10. Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones bassist) – 1,000
9. Earvin (Magic) Johnson (basketball star) – 1,000
8. Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead frontman) – 1,200
7. Jack Nicholson (actor) – 2,000
6. Ilie Nastase (tennis star) – 2,500
5. Engelbert Humperdinck (singer) – 3,000
4. Julio Iglesias (singer) – 3,000
3. Gene Simmons (Kiss frontman) – 4,600
2. Charlie Sheen (actor) – 5,000
1. Umberto Billo (Venetian hotel porter) – 8,000


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(6) Comments to “Who the hell is Umberto Billo?”

  1. Posted by Umberto Billo on July 20, 2007 @ 3:20 am

    I am the great UMBERTO BILLO.

    Please, fly across the ocean and ride my massive Italian cock!

  2. Posted by Vivek Anto on May 17, 2008 @ 1:48 pm

    He is just a porter in a hotel. And there is no proof that he has banged 8000 chicks. What if I say 12000??

  3. Posted by Nico on December 7, 2008 @ 7:10 am

    Charlie Sheen’ s not making the list.
    If you exclude all the prostitudes he went with, probably left like 1- 2 women he really had.

  4. Posted by I MBECILLI on May 6, 2011 @ 3:48 am

    Gli imbecilli non muoiono mai

    Trovo da veri imbecilli, e me ne compiaccio perché in Italia ne mancano tanti a causa della nota fuga degli imbecilli dal paese, discutere e perdere il proprio tempo (si dice sia l’unico tempo che abbiamo su questa terra nella breve parentesi vita-morte) su una cosa che non esiste. Ho seguito la faccenda fin dall’inizio e non ho mai letto o sentito dire dalla persona citata che ha avuto 8000 conquiste. E’un’accusa mossa dal padrone dell’albergo dove lavorava tramite il suo legale, quindi è scritta nella memoria difensiva agli atti processuali, che lui invece di lavorare stava in dolce compagnia femminile tutta la notte, anche 4 o 6 donne a notte, e questo, per controbattere la citazione in tribunale, avviata dal sindacato dei lavoratori, perché il padrone NON AVEVA PAGATO I CONTRIBUTI PREVIDENZIALI e l’interessato, vicino alla pensione, non avrebbe potuto avere la pensione e si sarebbe trovato in strada (OKKIO E’ UN RISCHIO ANCHE PER VOI IMBECILLI RITROVARSI SENZA PENSIONE). La trovata dell’avvocato del padrone è molto usata con le lavoratrici donne alle quali faceva firmare anche delle dimissioni in bianco da usare in caso di malattia o maternità. Questa è la verità e se non ci credete, cari imbecilli, andate a spulciare in tribunale gli atti del processo. Il resto se l’è inventato le testate giornalistiche e televisive in grave difficoltà economiche che pur di vendere, e contando sulla percentuale ottima d’imbecilli ancora in vita in grado di spendere tempo e denaro. Per quanto ne so, il nostro eroe non solo ha vinto la causa e ora gode di una decente pensione, ma trovando TV imbecilli tipo Mediaset e altre anche straniere (inglesi e tedesche) che hanno insistito a intervistarlo, vendendo le interviste e le apparizioni in TV ha guadagnato abbastanza da poter donare 250.000.000 di Lire in beneficenza dopo essersi pure comprato un fondo di negozio (ora prende 1500 euro per l’affitto) e un appartamento abbastanza grande per sé e i propri cari (e ai suoi tempi non c’era ancora il Grande Fratello e ho il sospetto che gli autori si siano tutti ispirati a lui). Per questo dico che gli imbecilli siamo noi….. potete darmi torto?

    Di: Imbecilli Nonmuoionomai

  5. Posted by I MBECILLI on May 6, 2011 @ 3:49 am

    I find it to be true idiots, and I am glad that so many in Italy are missing because of idiots known escape from the country, discuss and lose their time (it is said to be the only time we have on this earth in the brief life-death ) on something that does not exist. I followed the matter from the beginning and I’ve never read or heard by the person who had cited 8000 conquests,move by the owner of the hotel where he worked through his lawyer, so it is written in the defense to the pleadings, he was instead of working women in good company all night, 4 or 6 women at night, and that, to counter the citation in court, initiated by the workers ‘union, because the owner had not paid social security contributions and interest, close to retirement, he could have retired and would be found in the street (WARNING! E’ ALSO A RISK FOR YOU idiot find themselves without pensions). The lawyer found the owner is very popular with working women who did sign the resignation also in white to use in case of sickness or maternity. This is the truth and if you do not believe, dear fools, go to court to comb through the records of the trial. The rest is whether the inventor of the newspapers and television in serious economic difficulties even to sell, and counting on the high percentage of idiots alive able to spend time and money. As far as I know, our hero has not only won the case and now enjoys a decent pension, but finding such fools Mediaset (Mr. Berlusconi TV, king of the fool) and also other foreign languages ​​(English and German) who insisted on interviewing, selling interviews and appearances TV has earned enough to donate 250 million lire to charity after he also bought a fund shop (now take € 1500 for rent) and an apartment large enough for themselves and their loved ones (and in his time there ‘ was still the Big Brother and I suspect that the authors are all inspired by him). For this reason I say that we are idiots ….

  6. Posted by Danny San on February 5, 2012 @ 10:55 pm

    What do you mean ‘really had’…. its not a list on how many girls you made ‘like you’ its how many girls you fucked. So prostitutes count.

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