Britney Spears in tears
Posted by George on May 19th, 2006

After almost killing son Sean Preston Federline by almost dropping him while exiting a hotel in New York City, Britney Spears was in tears after the whole incident.

Britney Spears in tear
Britney Spears in tear

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(5) Comments to “Britney Spears in tears”

  1. Posted by Katie on May 19, 2006 @ 9:03 pm

    Crocodile Tears! This is her third mishap(1. Freeway incident 2. high chair incident 3. hotel incident). They were ready to crucify Michael Jackson after one terribly careless incident. What gives?

  2. Posted by Lynn on June 17, 2006 @ 9:07 am

    In her interview with Matt Lauer she kept pulling out other celebrities names as if she were trying to pass the buck. When you’re a celebrity you don’t just deal with the good but the bad as well. And when she was trying to blame the poparazzi for the justification of driving with her son on her lap, well you could see there was a man sitting beside her using the phone. Why not let him hold the baby if you’re that scared. She said it was only a five min. drive, but you don’t know what careless driver could have been out that day. She was very lucky. As far as her high chair incident…I think that was out of her hands. Same with her slipping, it happens. But she needs to stop pushing the blame.

  3. Posted by jenni 4rm da block on July 30, 2007 @ 6:41 pm

    if u cant handle having a kid ..just say it .. cuz u sure look like u dont

  4. Posted by Jackie on January 15, 2008 @ 6:11 pm

    Ummm okay…how many first time mothers have had mishaps with their children. She was probably purposely tripped by one of the many poparazzi’s following her and ALMOST fell with her son in her arms. That’s it.

    Give the girl a break. She’s got nothing but publicity on her A** and people like you guys with nothing but criticism. Give it a rest and get back to your pathetic lives.

  5. Posted by dnonymous on February 8, 2008 @ 2:20 pm

    COme on give Britney a break. Simce when are stars not allowed to make mistakes??? They’re human just like the rest of us, no one is perfect, why is britney supposed to be an exception???? She’s clearly at a vulnerable phase in her life, i think the media and the hateful comments should simply come to a nend so that britney can have time to regroup and get better.

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