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Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is planning to give birth to Brad Pitt child in a water tank at the Welwitschia Hospital in Namibia, Africa. A nurse at the hospital says:
It will be natural and beautiful. Instead of a man like Brad being pushed into the corner of the delivery room, he will be part of the birth process.
If you don’t know want a water birth is, you don’t need to look any further. A water birth is a form of giving birth in warm water. The warm water is relaxing and helps the mother relaxes her muscles for an easier birth. The baby enters the world in a smoother transition.
The couple already knows the sex of their baby, according to a friend who told the Sunday Express:
They know the sex of their baby, though they’re trying to keep that a secret. But they both think Africa would suit a boy or a girl.
It’s exotic and mysterious – just like the continent where the baby will be born.