Posted by George on December 9th, 2005

Matt Damon and Luciana Bozan
The Bourne Supremacy star Matt Damon and Luciana Bozan were married today in a small private ceremony in New York City. This was bound to happen after breaking the news Luciana was pregnant.
Their honeymoon will be postpone until Matt is finish filming The Good Shepherd in January. The movie also stars Angelina Jolie and is directed by Robert DeNiro. Can this marriage make Angelina accept the daily proposal from Brad Pitt.
Marrying a bartender is always good, Matt won’t have to worry about what to put in his drink anymore. Congratulation to Matt Damon and Luciana Bozan, may their marriage last longer than the typical Hollywood wedding.
Luci isn’t as innocent as she looks. I wonder if Matt knows about her many boyfriends she had when she lived in the Ventura, California area. Let’s just say that what Matt doesn’t now won’t hurt him.
Interesting. How do you know this, Tina? I think she may be a little sneaky because she got knocked up and got Matt to marry her. Hope their marriage lasts for decades.